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linux:raspberry:picam:motion [2015/06/01 20:50] – created lunetikklinux:raspberry:picam:motion [2019/01/09 21:41] lunetikk
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Copyjob =====+===== Motion =====
-This script copies all your .jpg and .avi captures to a mounted NAS. Before it does so, it will check if there is a directory with the date of today. If it doesnt exist it will create one with the subdirectories "Videos" and "Pictures". After that it copies the files to a non-chaning local directory and then from there to the created directories on your NAS. The script can be executed via crontab. +==== Installation ====
-//  +
-First mount your NAS. +
-<code> +
-mount -t cifs // /media/nasdir/ +
-</code> +
-Make sure you can access it and that you can see files. If you already have files at "//" you can use "ls -al /media/nasdir/". Also create a file with "touch /media/nasdir/test" and check if it has been created.+
 +<code>apt-get install motion</code>
-<code sh> +==== Configuration ====
-#!/bin/bash +
-DATE=`date +%d_%m_%Y` +
-BASEPATH=/records/ +
-COPYPATH=/records/copy/ +
-if [ ! -d "$NETPATH$DATE" ]; then +=== Maskfile ===
-  mkdir $NETPATH$DATE +
-  mkdir $NETPATH$DATE/Videos +
-  mkdir $NETPATH$DATE/Pictures   +
-NETPATHAVI=$NETPATH$DATE/Videos +[[|How to create a Maskfile]]
-mv $BASEPATH*.avi $COPYPATH +==== Troubleshooting ====
-sleep 10 +
-sleep 10+
-mv $COPYPATH*.avi $NETPATHAVI +=== libavformat error === 
-sleep 10 + 
-mv $COPYPATH*.jpg $NETPATHJPG  +"motion: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory" 
-sleep 10+ 
 +You might have to install some dependencies 
 +<code>apt-get install -y libjpeg62 libjpeg62-dev libavformat53 libavformat-dev libavcodec53 libavcodec-dev libavutil51 libavutil-dev libc6-dev zlib1g-dev libmysqlclient18 libmysqlclient-dev libpq5 libpq-dev</code> 
 +If some are not found, try to get the right version for your current distribution via 
 +<code>apt-cache search <package></code> 
 +=== /dev/video0 not found === 
 +"vid_v4lx_start: Failed to open video device /dev/video0: No such file or directory" 
 +Activate the module, /dev/video0 should be there afterwards 
 +<code>modprobe bcm2835-v4l2</code> 
 +==== My configurationfile ==== 
 +This is the dozencrows config with my values, some things have changed in the current "apt-get"-version. Most of the config is the same, just compare it with the new one 
 +<code sh motion.conf> 
 +# /etc/motion.conf 
 +# This config file was generated by motion mmaltest 
 +# Daemon 
 +# Start in daemon (background) mode and release terminal (default: off) 
 +daemon on 
 +#File to store the process ID, also called pid file. (default: not defined) 
 +process_id_file /var/run/motion/ 
 +# Basic Setup Mode 
 +# Start in Setup-Mode, daemon disabled. (default: off) 
 +setup_mode off 
 +# Use a file to save logs messages, if not defined stderr and syslog is used. (default: not defined) 
 +logfile /recordings/motion.log 
 +# Level of log messages [1..9] (EMR, ALR, CRT, ERR, WRN, NTC, ERR, DBG, ALL). (default: 6 / NTC) 
 +log_level 5 
 +# Filter to log messages by type (COR, STR, ENC, NET, DBL, EVT, TRK, VID, ALL). (default: ALL) 
 +log_type all 
 +# Capture device options 
 +# Videodevice to be used for capturing  (default /dev/video0) 
 +# for FreeBSD default is /dev/bktr0 
 +videodevice /dev/video0 
 +# v4l2_palette allows to choose preferable palette to be use by motion 
 +# to capture from those supported by your videodevice. (default: 17) 
 +# E.g. if your videodevice supports both V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR8 and 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG then motion will by default use V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG. 
 +# Setting v4l2_palette to 2 forces motion to use V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR8 
 +# instead. 
 +# Values : 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SN9C10X : 0  'S910' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR16 : 1  'BYR2' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR8  : 2  'BA81' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA561 : 3  'S561' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGBRG8  : 4  'GBRG' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGRBG8  : 5  'GRBG' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_PAC207  : 6  'P207' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_PJPG    : 7  'PJPG' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_MJPEG   : 8  'MJPEG' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG    : 9  'JPEG' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24   : 10 'RGB3' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA501 : 11 'S501' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA505 : 12 'S505' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_SPCA508 : 13 'S508' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY    : 14 'UYVY' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV    : 15 'YUYV' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P : 16 '422P' 
 +# V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420  : 17 'YU12' 
 +v4l2_palette 17 
 +# The video input to be used (default: -1) 
 +# Should normally be set to 0 or 1 for video/TV cards, and -1 for USB cameras 
 +input -1 
 +# The video norm to use (only for video capture and TV tuner cards) 
 +# Values: 0 (PAL), 1 (NTSC), 2 (SECAM), 3 (PAL NC no colour). Default: 0 (PAL) 
 +norm 0 
 +# The frequency to set the tuner to (kHz) (only for TV tuner cards) (default: 0) 
 +frequency 0 
 +# Rotate image this number of degrees. The rotation affects all saved images as 
 +# well as movies. Valid values: 0 (default = no rotation), 90, 180 and 270. 
 +rotate 0 
 +# Image width (pixels). Valid range: Camera dependent, default: 352 
 +width 1280 
 +# Image height (pixels). Valid range: Camera dependent, default: 288 
 +height 720 
 +# Maximum number of frames to be captured per second. 
 +# Valid range: 2-100. Default: 100 (almost no limit). 
 +framerate 15 
 +# Minimum time in seconds between capturing picture frames from the camera. 
 +# Default: 0 = disabled - the capture rate is given by the camera framerate. 
 +# This option is used when you want to capture images at a rate lower than 2 per second. 
 +minimum_frame_time 0 
 +# URL to use if you are using a network camera, size will be autodetected (incl http:// ftp:// mjpg:// or file:///) 
 +# Must be a URL that returns single jpeg pictures or a raw mjpeg stream. Default: Not defined 
 +; netcam_url value 
 +# Username and password for network camera (only if required). Default: not defined 
 +# Syntax is user:password 
 +; netcam_userpass value 
 +# The setting for keep-alive of network socket, should improve performance on compatible net cameras. 
 +# off:   The historical implementation using HTTP/1.0, closing the socket after each http request. 
 +# force: Use HTTP/1.0 requests with keep alive header to reuse the same connection. 
 +# on:    Use HTTP/1.1 requests that support keep alive as default. 
 +# Default: off 
 +netcam_keepalive off 
 +# URL to use for a netcam proxy server, if required, e.g. "http://myproxy"
 +# If a port number other than 80 is needed, use "http://myproxy:1234"
 +# Default: not defined 
 +; netcam_proxy value 
 +# Set less strict jpeg checks for network cameras with a poor/buggy firmware. 
 +# Default: off 
 +netcam_tolerant_check off 
 +# Path to file containing raw captured YUV frames from which to read input 
 + Default: Not defined 
 +; filecam_path value 
 +# Name of camera to use if you are using a camera accessed through OpenMax/MMAL 
 + Default: Not defined 
 +# Camera control parameters (see raspivid/raspistill tool documentation) 
 + Default: Not defined 
 +; mmalcam_control_params value 
 +# Use the still camera output - limits frame rate, but can show more of frame 
 + Default: off 
 +mmalcam_use_still off 
 +# Path to file where raw dump of camera YUV capture will be written (for testing, profiling & debugging) 
 + Default: Not defined 
 +; mmalcam_raw_capture_file value 
 +# Let motion regulate the brightness of a video device (default: off). 
 +# The auto_brightness feature uses the brightness option as its target value. 
 +# If brightness is zero auto_brightness will adjust to average brightness value 128. 
 +# Only recommended for cameras without auto brightness 
 +auto_brightness off 
 +# Set the initial brightness of a video device. 
 +# If auto_brightness is enabled, this value defines the average brightness level 
 +# which Motion will try and adjust to. 
 +# Valid range 0-255, default 0 = disabled 
 +brightness 0 
 +# Set the contrast of a video device. 
 +# Valid range 0-255, default 0 = disabled 
 +contrast 0 
 +# Set the saturation of a video device. 
 +# Valid range 0-255, default 0 = disabled 
 +saturation 0 
 +# Set the hue of a video device (NTSC feature). 
 +# Valid range 0-255, default 0 = disabled 
 +hue 0 
 +# Round Robin (multiple inputs on same video device name) 
 +# Number of frames to capture in each roundrobin step (default: 1) 
 +roundrobin_frames 1 
 +# Number of frames to skip before each roundrobin step (default: 1) 
 +roundrobin_skip 1 
 +# Try to filter out noise generated by roundrobin (default: off) 
 +switchfilter off 
 +# Motion Detection Settings: 
 +# Threshold for number of changed pixels in an image that 
 +# triggers motion detection (default: 1500) 
 +threshold 1500  
 +# Automatically tune the threshold down if possible (default: off) 
 +threshold_tune off 
 +# Noise threshold for the motion detection (default: 32) 
 +noise_level 32 
 +# Automatically tune the noise threshold (default: on) 
 +noise_tune on 
 +# Despeckle motion image using (e)rode or (d)ilate or (l)abel (Default: not defined) 
 +# Recommended value is EedDl. Any combination (and number of) of E, e, d, and D is valid. 
 +# (l)abeling must only be used once and the 'l' must be the last letter. 
 +# Comment out to disable 
 +despeckle_filter EedDl 
 +# Detect motion in predefined areas (1 - 9). Areas are numbered like that:  1 2 3 
 +# A script (on_area_detected) is started immediately when motion is         4 5 6 
 +# detected in one of the given areas, but only once during an event.        7 8 9 
 +# One or more areas can be specified with this option. Take care: This option 
 +# does NOT restrict detection to these areas! (Default: not defined) 
 +; area_detect value 
 +# PGM file to use as a sensitivity mask. 
 +# Full path name to. (Default: not defined) 
 +# mask_file value 
 +mask_file /recordings/greyscale/mask.pgm 
 +# Dynamically create a mask file during operation (default: 0) 
 +# Adjust speed of mask changes from 0 (off) to 10 (fast) 
 +smart_mask_speed 0 
 +# Ignore sudden massive light intensity changes given as a percentage of the picture 
 +# area that changed intensity. If set to 1, motion will do some kind of 
 +# auto-lightswitch. Valid range: 0 - 100 , default: 0 = disabled 
 +lightswitch 0 
 +# Picture frames must contain motion at least the specified number of frames 
 +# in a row before they are detected as true motion. At the default of 1, all 
 +# motion is detected. Valid range: 1 to thousands, recommended 1-5 
 +minimum_motion_frames 1 
 +# Specifies the number of pre-captured (buffered) pictures from before motion 
 +# was detected that will be output at motion detection. 
 +# Recommended range: 0 to 5 (default: 0) 
 +# Do not use large values! Large values will cause Motion to skip video frames and 
 +# cause unsmooth movies. To smooth movies use larger values of post_capture instead. 
 +pre_capture 1 
 +# Number of frames to capture after motion is no longer detected (default: 0) 
 +post_capture 3 
 +# Event Gap is the seconds of no motion detection that triggers the end of an event. 
 +# An event is defined as a series of motion images taken within a short timeframe. 
 +# Recommended value is 60 seconds (Default). The value -1 is allowed and disables 
 +# events causing all Motion to be written to one single movie file and no pre_capture. 
 +# If set to 0, motion is running in gapless mode. Movies don't have gaps anymore. An 
 +# event ends right after no more motion is detected and post_capture is over. 
 +event_gap 60 
 +# Maximum length in seconds of a movie 
 +# When value is exceeded a new movie file is created. (Default: 0 = infinite) 
 +max_movie_time 600 
 +# Always save images even if there was no motion (default: off) 
 +emulate_motion off 
 +# Image File Output 
 +# Output 'normal' pictures when motion is detected (default: on) 
 +# Valid values: on, off, first, best, center 
 +# When set to 'first', only the first picture of an event is saved. 
 +# Picture with most motion of an event is saved when set to 'best'
 +# Picture with motion nearest center of picture is saved when set to 'center'
 +# Can be used as preview shot for the corresponding movie. 
 +output_pictures on 
 +# Output pictures with only the pixels moving object (ghost images) (default: off) 
 +output_debug_pictures off 
 +# The quality (in percent) to be used by the jpeg compression (default: 75) 
 +quality 100 
 +# Type of output images 
 +# Valid values: jpeg, ppm (default: jpeg) 
 +picture_type jpeg 
 +# FFMPEG related options 
 +# Film (movie) file output, and deinterlacing of the video input 
 +# The options movie_filename and timelapse_filename are also used 
 +# by the ffmpeg feature 
 +# Use ffmpeg to encode movies in realtime (default: off) 
 +ffmpeg_output_movies on 
 +# Use ffmpeg to make movies with only the pixels moving 
 +# object (ghost images) (default: off) 
 +ffmpeg_output_debug_movies off 
 +# Use ffmpeg to encode a timelapse movie 
 +# Default value 0 = off - else save frame every Nth second 
 +ffmpeg_timelapse 0 
 +# The file rollover mode of the timelapse video 
 +# Valid values: hourly, daily (default), weekly-sunday, weekly-monday, monthly, manual 
 +ffmpeg_timelapse_mode daily 
 +# Bitrate to be used by the ffmpeg encoder (default: 400000) 
 +# This option is ignored if ffmpeg_variable_bitrate is not 0 (disabled) 
 +ffmpeg_bps 500000 
 +# Enables and defines variable bitrate for the ffmpeg encoder. 
 +# ffmpeg_bps is ignored if variable bitrate is enabled. 
 +# Valid values: 0 (default) = fixed bitrate defined by ffmpeg_bps, 
 +# or the range 2 - 31 where 2 means best quality and 31 is worst. 
 +ffmpeg_variable_bitrate 0 
 +# Codec to used by ffmpeg for the video compression. 
 +# Timelapse movies are always made in mpeg1 format independent from this option. 
 +# Supported formats are: mpeg1 (ffmpeg-0.4.8 only), mpeg4 (default), and msmpeg4. 
 +# mpeg1 - gives you files with extension .mpg 
 +# mpeg4 or msmpeg4 - gives you files with extension .avi 
 +# msmpeg4 is recommended for use with Windows Media Player because 
 +# it requires no installation of codec on the Windows client. 
 +# swf - gives you a flash film with extension .swf 
 +# flv - gives you a flash video with extension .flv 
 +# ffv1 - FF video codec 1 for Lossless Encoding ( experimental ) 
 +# mov - QuickTime ( testing ) 
 +# ogg - Ogg/Theora ( testing ) 
 +ffmpeg_video_codec msmpeg4 
 +# Use ffmpeg to deinterlace video. Necessary if you use an analog camera 
 +# and see horizontal combing on moving objects in video or pictures. 
 +# (default: off) 
 +ffmpeg_deinterlace off 
 +# External pipe to video encoder 
 +# Replacement for FFMPEG builtin encoder for ffmpeg_output_movies only. 
 +# The options movie_filename and timelapse_filename are also used 
 +# by the ffmpeg feature 
 +# Bool to enable or disable extpipe (default: off) 
 +use_extpipe off 
 +# External program (full path and opts) to pipe raw video to 
 +# Generally, use '-' for STDIN... 
 +; extpipe value 
 +# Snapshots (Traditional Periodic Webcam File Output) 
 +# Make automated snapshot every N seconds (default: 0 = disabled) 
 +snapshot_interval 0 
 +# Text Display 
 +# %Y = year, %m = month, %d = date, 
 +# %H = hour, %M = minute, %S = second, %T = HH:MM:SS, 
 +# %v = event, %q = frame number, %t = thread (camera) number, 
 +# %D = changed pixels, %N = noise level, \n = new line, 
 +# %i and %J = width and height of motion area, 
 +# %K and %L = X and Y coordinates of motion center 
 +# %C = value defined by text_event - do not use with text_event! 
 +# You can put quotation marks around the text to allow 
 +# leading spaces 
 +# Locate and draw a box around the moving object. 
 +# Valid values: on, off, preview (default: off) 
 +# Set to 'preview' will only draw a box in preview_shot pictures. 
 +locate_motion_mode off 
 +# Set the look and style of the locate box if enabled. 
 +# Valid values: box, redbox, cross, redcross (default: box) 
 +# Set to 'box' will draw the traditional box. 
 +# Set to 'redbox' will draw a red box. 
 +# Set to 'cross' will draw a little cross to mark center. 
 +# Set to 'redcross' will draw a little red cross to mark center. 
 +locate_motion_style box 
 +# Draws the timestamp using same options as C function strftime(3) 
 +# Default: %Y-%m-%d\n%T = date in ISO format and time in 24 hour clock 
 +# Text is placed in lower right corner 
 +text_right %Y-%m-%d\n%T-%q 
 +# Draw a user defined text on the images using same options as C function strftime(3) 
 +# Default: Not defined = no text 
 +# Text is placed in lower left corner 
 +; text_left value 
 +# Draw the number of changed pixed on the images (default: off) 
 +# Will normally be set to off except when you setup and adjust the motion settings 
 +# Text is placed in upper right corner 
 +text_changes off 
 +# This option defines the value of the special event conversion specifier %C 
 +# You can use any conversion specifier in this option except %C. Date and time 
 +# values are from the timestamp of the first image in the current event. 
 +# Default: %Y%m%d%H%M%S 
 +# The idea is that %C can be used filenames and text_left/right for creating 
 +# a unique identifier for each event. 
 +text_event %Y%m%d%H%M%S 
 +# Draw characters at twice normal size on images. (default: off) 
 +text_double on 
 +# Text to include in a JPEG EXIF comment 
 +# May be any text, including conversion specifiers. 
 +# The EXIF timestamp is included independent of this text. 
 +; exif_text value 
 +# Target Directories and filenames For Images And Films 
 +# For the options snapshot_, picture_, movie_ and timelapse_filename 
 +# you can use conversion specifiers 
 +# %Y = year, %m = month, %d = date, 
 +# %H = hour, %M = minute, %S = second, 
 +# %v = event, %q = frame number, %t = thread (camera) number, 
 +# %D = changed pixels, %N = noise level, 
 +# %i and %J = width and height of motion area, 
 +# %K and %L = X and Y coordinates of motion center 
 +# %C = value defined by text_event 
 +# Quotation marks round string are allowed. 
 +# Target base directory for pictures and films 
 +# Recommended to use absolute path. (Default: current working directory) 
 +target_dir /recordings 
 +# File path for snapshots (jpeg or ppm) relative to target_dir 
 +# Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot 
 +# Default value is equivalent to legacy oldlayout option 
 +# For Motion 3.0 compatible mode choose: %Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S-snapshot 
 +# File extension .jpg or .ppm is automatically added so do not include this. 
 +# Note: A symbolic link called lastsnap.jpg created in the target_dir will always 
 +# point to the latest snapshot, unless snapshot_filename is exactly 'lastsnap' 
 +snapshot_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-snapshot 
 +# File path for motion triggered images (jpeg or ppm) relative to target_dir 
 +# Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q 
 +# Default value is equivalent to legacy oldlayout option 
 +# For Motion 3.0 compatible mode choose: %Y/%m/%d/%H/%M/%S-%q 
 +# File extension .jpg or .ppm is automatically added so do not include this 
 +# Set to 'preview' together with best-preview feature enables special naming 
 +# convention for preview shots. See motion guide for details 
 +picture_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S-%q 
 +# File path for motion triggered ffmpeg films (movies) relative to target_dir 
 +# Default: %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S 
 +# Default value is equivalent to legacy oldlayout option 
 +# For Motion 3.0 compatible mode choose: %Y/%m/%d/%H%M%S 
 +# File extension .mpg or .avi is automatically added so do not include this 
 +# This option was previously called ffmpeg_filename 
 +movie_filename %v-%Y%m%d%H%M%S 
 +# File path for timelapse movies relative to target_dir 
 +# Default: %Y%m%d-timelapse 
 +# Default value is near equivalent to legacy oldlayout option 
 +# For Motion 3.0 compatible mode choose: %Y/%m/%d-timelapse 
 +# File extension .mpg is automatically added so do not include this 
 +timelapse_filename %Y%m%d-timelapse 
 +# Global Network Options 
 +# Enable or disable IPV6 for http control and stream (default: off) 
 +ipv6_enabled off 
 +# Live Stream Server 
 +# The mini-http server listens to this port for requests (default: 0 = disabled) 
 +stream_port 8081 
 +# Quality of the jpeg (in percent) images produced (default: 50) 
 +stream_quality 75 
 +# Output frames at 1 fps when no motion is detected and increase to the 
 +# rate given by stream_maxrate when motion is detected (default: off) 
 +stream_motion off 
 +# Maximum framerate for streams (default: 1) 
 +stream_maxrate 1 
 +# Restrict stream connections to localhost only (default: on) 
 +stream_localhost off 
 +# Limits the number of images per connection (default: 0 = unlimited) 
 +# Number can be defined by multiplying actual stream rate by desired number of seconds 
 +# Actual stream rate is the smallest of the numbers framerate and stream_maxrate 
 +stream_limit 0 
 +# Set the authentication method (default: 0) 
 +# 0 = disabled  
 +# 1 = Basic authentication 
 +# 2 = MD5 digest (the safer authentication) 
 +stream_auth_method 2 
 +# Authentication for the stream. Syntax username:password 
 +# Default: not defined (Disabled) 
 +stream_authentication loginname:loginpassword 
 +# HTTP Based Control 
 +# TCP/IP port for the http server to listen on (default: 0 = disabled) 
 +webcontrol_port 8080 
 +# Restrict control connections to localhost only (default: on) 
 +webcontrol_localhost off 
 +# Output for http server, select off to choose raw text plain (default: on) 
 +webcontrol_html_output on 
 +# Authentication for the http based control. Syntax username:password 
 +# Default: not defined (Disabled) 
 +webcontrol_authentication loginname:loginpassword 
 +# Tracking (Pan/Tilt) 
 +# Type of tracker (0=none (default), 1=stepper, 2=iomojo, 3=pwc, 4=generic, 5=uvcvideo, 6=servo) 
 +# The generic type enables the definition of motion center and motion size to 
 +# be used with the conversion specifiers for options like on_motion_detected 
 +track_type 0 
 +# Enable auto tracking (default: off) 
 +track_auto off 
 +# Serial port of motor (default: none) 
 +; track_port value 
 +# Motor number for x-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_motorx 0 
 +# Set motorx reverse (default: off) 
 +track_motorx_reverse off 
 +# Motor number for y-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_motory 0 
 +# Set motory reverse (default: off) 
 +track_motory_reverse off 
 +# Maximum value on x-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_maxx 0 
 +# Minimum value on x-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_minx 0 
 +# Maximum value on y-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_maxy 0 
 +# Minimum value on y-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_miny 0 
 +# Center value on x-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_homex 128 
 +# Center value on y-axis (default: 0) 
 +track_homey 128 
 +# ID of an iomojo camera if used (default: 0) 
 +track_iomojo_id 0 
 +# Angle in degrees the camera moves per step on the X-axis 
 +# with auto-track (default: 10
 +# Currently only used with pwc type cameras 
 +track_step_angle_x 10 
 +# Angle in degrees the camera moves per step on the Y-axis 
 +# with auto-track (default: 10) 
 +# Currently only used with pwc type cameras 
 +track_step_angle_y 10 
 +# Delay to wait for after tracking movement as number 
 +# of picture frames (default: 10) 
 +track_move_wait 10 
 +# Speed to set the motor to (stepper motor option) (default: 255) 
 +track_speed 255 
 +# Number of steps to make (stepper motor option) (default: 40) 
 +track_stepsize 40 
 +# External Commands, Warnings and Logging: 
 +# You can use conversion specifiers for the on_xxxx commands 
 +# %Y = year, %m = month, %d = date, 
 +# %H = hour, %M = minute, %S = second, 
 +# %v = event, %q = frame number, %t = thread (camera) number, 
 +# %D = changed pixels, %N = noise level, 
 +# %i and %J = width and height of motion area, 
 +# %K and %L = X and Y coordinates of motion center 
 +# %C = value defined by text_event 
 +# %f = filename with full path 
 +# %n = number indicating filetype 
 +# Both %f and %n are only defined for on_picture_save, 
 +# on_movie_start and on_movie_end 
 +# Quotation marks round string are allowed. 
 +# Do not sound beeps when detecting motion (default: on) 
 +# Note: Motion never beeps when running in daemon mode. 
 +quiet on 
 +# Command to be executed when an event starts. (default: none) 
 +# An event starts at first motion detected after a period of no motion defined by event_gap  
 +; on_event_start value 
 +# Command to be executed when an event ends after a period of no motion 
 +# (default: none). The period of no motion is defined by option event_gap. 
 +; on_event_end value 
 +# Command to be executed when a picture (.ppm|.jpg) is saved (default: none) 
 +# To give the filename as an argument to a command append it with %f 
 +; on_picture_save value 
 +# Command to be executed when a motion frame is detected (default: none) 
 +; on_motion_detected value 
 +# Command to be executed when motion in a predefined area is detected 
 +# Check option 'area_detect'. (default: none) 
 +; on_area_detected value 
 +# Command to be executed when a movie file (.mpg|.avi) is created. (default: none) 
 +# To give the filename as an argument to a command append it with %f 
 +; on_movie_start value 
 +# Command to be executed when a movie file (.mpg|.avi) is closed. (default: none) 
 +# To give the filename as an argument to a command append it with %f 
 +; on_movie_end value 
 +# Command to be executed when a camera can't be opened or if it is lost 
 +# NOTE: There is situations when motion don't detect a lost camera! 
 +# It depends on the driver, some drivers dosn't detect a lost camera at all 
 +# Some hangs the motion thread. Some even hangs the PC! (default: none) 
 +; on_camera_lost value 
 +# Common Options for database features. 
 +# Options require the database options to be active also. 
 +# Log to the database when creating motion triggered image file  (default: on) 
 +sql_log_picture on 
 +# Log to the database when creating a snapshot image file (default: on) 
 +sql_log_snapshot on 
 +# Log to the database when creating motion triggered movie file (default: off) 
 +sql_log_movie off 
 +# Log to the database when creating timelapse movie file (default: off) 
 +sql_log_timelapse off 
 +# SQL query string that is sent to the database 
 +# Use same conversion specifiers has for text features 
 +# Additional special conversion specifiers are 
 +# %n = the number representing the file_type 
 +# %f = filename with full path 
 +# Create tables : 
 +# Mysql 
 +# CREATE TABLE security (camera int, filename char(80) not null, frame int, file_type int, time_stamp timestamp(14), event_time_stamp timestamp(14)); 
 +# Postgresql 
 +# CREATE TABLE security (camera int, filename char(80) not null, frame int, file_type int, time_stamp timestamp without time zone, event_time_stamp timestamp without time zone); 
 +# Default value: 
 +# insert into security(camera, filename, frame, file_type, time_stamp, text_event) values('%t', '%f', '%q', '%n', '%Y-%m-%d %T', '%C'
 +sql_query sql_query insert into security(camera, filename, frame, file_type, time_stamp, event_time_stamp) values('%t', '%f', '%q', '%n', '%Y-%m-%d %T', '%C'
 +# Database Options  
 +# database type : mysql, postgresql, sqlite3 (default : not defined) 
 +; database_type value 
 +# database to log to (default: not defined) 
 +; database_dbname value 
 +# The host on which the database is located (default: not defined) 
 +database_host localhost 
 +# User account name for database (default: not defined) 
 +; database_user value 
 +# User password for database (default: not defined) 
 +; database_password value 
 +# Port on which the database is located (default: not defined) 
 +# mysql 3306 , postgresql 5432 (default: not defined) 
 +database_port 0 
 +# Video Loopback Device (vloopback project) 
 +# Output images to a video4linux loopback device 
 +# The value '-' means next available (default: not defined) 
 +; video_pipe value 
 +# Output motion images to a video4linux loopback device 
 +# The value '-' means next available (default: not defined) 
 +; motion_video_pipe value 
 +# Thread config files - One for each camera. 
 +# Except if only one camera - You only need this config file. 
 +# If you have more than one camera you MUST define one thread 
 +# config file for each camera in addition to this config file. 
 +; thread /usr/local/etc/thread1.conf
 </code> </code>
linux/raspberry/picam/motion.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/13 18:57 by lunetikk