====== Network ====== ===== Ports ===== ^Port^Protocol^ | 20 + 21 | FTP | | 22 | SSH | | 25 | SMTP | | 80 | HTTP | | 111 + 2049 | TCP/UDP - NFS | | 123 | UDP - NTP | | 137 + 139 + 445 | TCP/UDP - SMB/Samba | | 443 | HTTPS | | 8080 | Proxy | | 3389 | RDP | | 3306 | MySQL | ===== Configuration ===== ==== Proxy ==== For your account only edit: sudo vi /home//.bashrc \\ For global proxy edit: sudo vi /etc/profile add export http_proxy= export https_proxy= \\ Reload your configuration source /home//.bashrc or source /etc/profile === Set proxy for apt === Open apt.conf vi /etc/apt/apt.conf Set proxy Acquire::http::Proxy ""; Acquire::https::Proxy ""; === Set proxy for wget === Open wgetrc vi ~/.wgetrc Set proxy use_proxy=on http_proxy= https_proxy= http_proxy=http://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port https_proxy=https://username:password@proxy_host:proxy_port OR wget -e use_proxy=on -e http_proxy= ==== Change your IP (Ubuntu < 16) ==== Edit /etc/network/interfaces: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces and add auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway dns-nameservers Restart your networkinterface /etc/init.d/networking restart ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 ==== Change your IP (Ubuntu > 16) ==== Edit /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml: sudo vi /etc/netplan/01-netcfg.yaml and add network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: ens3: dhcp4: no addresses: - gateway4: nameservers: addresses: [,] Apply the new IP config sudo netplan apply ==== Change your IP (SLES11/12) ==== Edit /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0: sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 and add DEVICE='eth0' BOOTPROTO='static' STARTMODE='auto' USERCONTROL='no' BROADCAST='' ETHTOOL_OPTIONS='' IPADDR='' MTU='' NAME='' NETMASK='' NETWORK='' REMOTE_IPADDR='' Edit gateway /etc/sysconfig/network/routes: sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network/routes and add default - eth0 #default - - Restart your networkinterface SLES11 /etc/init.d/networking restart SLES12 ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 ==== Join a domain and change hostname ==== Edit /etc/hosts sudo vi /etc/hosts and add localhost.localdomain localhost ubuntu.lunetikk.de ubuntu ubuntu.lunetikk.de ubuntu \\ \\ Open /etc/hostname and change the entry to your new hostname (for example: ubuntu) sudo vi /etc/hostname Set your hostname hostname –F /etc/hostname New syntax to set a hostname hostnamectl set-hostname "YOURHOSTNAME" Show hostname hostnamectl ==== Tools to monitor traffic ==== [[https://askubuntu.com/questions/257263/how-to-display-network-traffic-in-the-terminal|Askubuntu - Tools to display traffic]] #bmon - shows multiple interfaces at once apt-get install bmon #tcptrack - Tells how much bandwidth is being used and also what protocol (service/port) and destination the transmission is taking place to. Very helpful when you want to know exactly what is using up your bandwidth apt-get install tcptrack #nload - Separated view for down and upload apt-get install nload #iftop apt-get install iftop #ethstatus apt-get install ethstatus bmon: {{:linux:general:pasted:20190416-135948.png?400}} tcptrack: {{:linux:general:pasted:20190416-141118.png?400}} nload: {{:linux:general:pasted:20190416-141355.png?400}} iftop: {{:linux:general:pasted:20190416-141728.png?400}} ethstatus: {{:linux:general:pasted:20190416-141835.png?400}} ==== Troubleshooting ==== === resolv.conf is empty === dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf === Cant do ifdown/ifup === # ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/sendmail: 7: .: Can't open /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic run-parts: /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/sendmail exited with return code 2 run-parts: /etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc exited with return code 1 /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/sendmail: 7: .: Can't open /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic run-parts: /etc/resolvconf/update-libc.d/sendmail exited with return code 2 run-parts: /etc/resolvconf/update.d/libc exited with return code 1 /etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail: 44: .: Can't open /usr/share/sendmail/dynamic run-parts: /etc/network/if-up.d/sendmail exited with return code 2 This should fix it: apt-get --purge remove sendmail sendmail-base sendmail-bin \\ \\ ~~DISCUSSION:closed~~