====== Autoinstall / Cloud-init ====== \\ ===== Create custom ISO ===== Download the ISO at [[https://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/jammy/|Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)]] \\ Create a new folder for your custom ISO\\ mkdir ~/customISO \\ Mount the CD to /mnt\\ mount -o loop /path/to/ubuntu.iso /mnt \\ Copy the CD to your custom ISO folder\\ cp -r /mnt/* ~/customISO/. \\ Create an autoinstall folder\\ mkdir ~/customISO/autoinstall \\ Create your user-data file\\ vi ~/customISO/autoinstall/ \\ You can either create a fresh file (see [[https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference|Automated Server installer config file reference]] for help) or if you already installed a system manually, you can use the same config and modify it. Its located at "/var/log/installer/autoinstall-user-data" \\ The meta-data doesnt need any content, just create it touch ~/customISO/autoinstall/meta-data \\ Create a new bootmenu entry above all others\\ Make sure to match your name with "autoinstall", "/cdrom" serves a rootdir and "autoinstall" is the directory containing your user-data file vi ~/customISO/boot/grub/grub.cfg menuentry "Autoinstall Ubuntu Server" { set gfxpayload=keep linux /casper/vmlinuz quiet autoinstall ds=nocloud\;s=/cdrom/autoinstall/ --- initrd /casper/initrd } It should look like this:\\ {{:linux:ubuntu:pasted:20230910-042102.png}} \\ FIXME ==== Sources ==== [[https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference|Automated Server installer config file reference]]\\ [[https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall|Automated Server installation - Introduction]]\\ [[https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart|Automated Server install quickstart]]\\ [[https://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/hpc/ubuntu-22-04-server-autoinstall-iso/|Ubuntu 22.04 Server Autoinstall ISO]]\\