Code | What it does |
While 1 WEnd | while |
HotKeySet(“{KEY)}”, “jumptopoint”) | Push KEY example HOME to jump to code “jumptopoint” |
Func jumptopoint() CODE HERE EndFunc | jumppoint function |
Sleep(1000) | Sleep 1 second |
Exit 0 | close the script |
MouseClick(“left”, 123,123, 2,0) | execute mouseclick left on pos 123,123 twice, middle/left/right possible |
MouseGetPos() | get the current mouseposition |
MouseClickDrag ( “left”, 72, 317, 780, 470, 10 ) | drag the cursor from pos 72,317 to 780,470 in 10 |
MouseWheel(“down”,10) | scroll down 10 times, down/up possible |
Send(“Hello World”) | type “Hello World” into selected textfield |
Send(“{enter}”) | send “Enter” command |
WinMove(“WindowName”, “”, 0, 0) | move the left upper corner of the window “WindowName” to pos 0,0 |
dim $var1 | init “var1” |
$var1 = “Hello World” | set “Hello World” to “var1” |
ClipPut('this text goes to clipboard') Send("^v") | put text into clipboard and then paste it with ctrl+v instead of typing it |
AutoItSetOption ( "WinTitleMatchMode", 2 ) $Title = WinGetTitle("") $result = StringInStr($Title, 'notepad') If $result = 0 Then Sleep(1) Else Sleep(1) EndIf | get title of the active window and check for notepad, 0 = notepad not in title |