The scripts need to be executed via PowerCLI
#Remove user and pass for pass-through auth Connect-VIServer -Server <HOSTNAME> #Connect-VIServer -Server <HOSTNAME> -User <USERNAME> -Password <PASSWORD> $allvminfo = @() $vms = Get-Vm $targetfile = "C:\Temp\VMInfo.csv" foreach($vm in $vms){ $vminfo = "" | Select Name, Host, Network, PowerState, CPUCount, RAMAssigned, ProvisionedSpace, UsedSpace, UnusedSpace, ConfiguredOS, RunningOS $VMHost = Get-VMHost -VM $vm $VMHost = $VMHost.Host $VMNetwork = Get-VM $vm.Name | Select {@($_.guest.IPAddress[0])} $VMPowerState = Get-VM $vm.Name | select PowerState $VMPowerState = $VmPowerState.PowerState $CPUCount = Get-VM $vm.Name | select NumCpu $CPUCount = $CPUCount.NumCpu $RAMAssigned = Get-VM $vm.Name | select MemoryGB $RAMAssigned = $RAMAssigned.MemoryGB $vmview = Get-VM $vm.Name | Get-View $ProvisionedSpace = Get-VM $vm.Name | select ProvisionedSpaceGB $ProvisionedSpace = $ProvisionedSpace.ProvisionedSpaceGB $ProvisionedSpace = [math]::round($ProvisionedSpace, 2) $vmview.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage.Committed.gettype() $UsedSpace = [math]::round(($vmview.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage.Committed/1024/1024/1024), 2) $UsedSpace =$UsedSpace.ToString() $UsedSpace = $UsedSpace + " GB" $UnUsedSpace = [math]::round(($vmview.Storage.PerDatastoreUsage.UnCommitted/1024/1024/1024), 2) $UnUsedSpace =$UnUsedSpace.ToString() $UnUsedSpace = $UnUsedSpace + " GB" $ProvisionedSpace =$ProvisionedSpace.ToString() $ProvisionedSpace = $ProvisionedSpace + " GB" $ConfiguredOS = Get-VM $vm.Name | Select {@($_.ExtensionData.Config.GuestFullname)} $RunningOS = Get-VM $vm.Name | Select {@($_.Guest.OsFullName)} $vminfo.Name = $vm.Name $vminfo.Host = $VMHost $vminfo.Network = $VMNetwork $vminfo.PowerState = $VMPowerState $vminfo.CPUCount = $CPUCount $vminfo.RAMAssigned = $RAMAssigned $vminfo.ProvisionedSpace = $ProvisionedSpace $vminfo.UsedSpace = $UsedSpace $vminfo.UnUsedSpace = $UnUsedSpace $vminfo.ConfiguredOS = $ConfiguredOS $vminfo.RunningOS = $RunningOS $allvminfo += $vminfo } $allvminfo | Select Name, Host, Network, PowerState, CPUCount, RAMAssigned, ProvisionedSpace, UsedSpace, UnusedSpace, ConfiguredOS, RunningOS | Export-Csv $targetfile -noTypeInformation #The following lines will clean up the .csv (Get-Content $targetfile).replace('@{@($_.guest.IPAddress[0])=', '') | Set-Content $targetfile (Get-Content $targetfile).replace('@{@($_.ExtensionData.Config.GuestFullname)=', '') | Set-Content $targetfile (Get-Content $targetfile).replace('@{@($_.Guest.OsFullName)=', '') | Set-Content $targetfile (Get-Content $targetfile).replace('}"', '"') | Set-Content $targetfile
#Remove user and pass for pass-through auth Connect-VIServer -Server <HOSTNAME> #Connect-VIServer -Server <HOSTNAME> -User <USERNAME> -Password <PASSWORD> $targetfile = "C:\Temp\HostCPUs.csv" get-vmhost | Select name,@{N=“# CPU“;E={($_| Get-View).Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuPackages}},@{N="Cores per CPU";E={($_| Get-View).Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuCores /($_| Get-View).Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuPackages}},@{N=“#Cores“;E={($_| Get-View).Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuCores}}| Export-csv $targetfile –NoTypeInformation