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I dont want to be called a hater or something but this game… wow… it sucks..
I bought it because it was like 30% and I to finally play soccer with a friend (I had Fifa14 because of the XboxDayOne but my friend failed to buy it…).

Why does it suck?

There are many points why Fifa is just one big piece of junk…


Have you ever played online? If you take BVB, the other team has Barcelona… If you take Munich, they have Barcelona… If you take Barcelona, everyone has Barcelona. This super overpowered Messi is just running through every defense… Doesnt matter whos blocking…

Anyway… the teams change every Fifa because of transfers but thats a thing you could put into DLCs… Why would you release a new game every year with the same content except the teams.. Money? Yes.. every game costs newly released 50€ and up… And yes again, people are so stupid and buy it, god knows why…


In german, the commentators are talking soooo much trash… If you would say something like that at school, kids would beat you up on schoolyard… I remember playing Fifa 03, 05 and both had the same sentences which are newly spoken in Fifa 14, 15… shame on you EA…

Worst of all comments ever:
“Den hätte ich auch mit der Mütze von meiner Omma gehalten.”
“Ein süßes, kleines Zuckerpässchen.”
“Das sollte eine Bananenflanke werden, sie war aber leider nur Fallobst.”
“Das nennt der Abiturient antizipieren.”
“Um das hier umzubiegen musst du schon ein Meisterbieger sein. “Ich habe ja immer die Horrorvorstellung, dass ihm der Ball durch die Beine rollt!”
“Dieser Spieler würde nicht einmal ein Scheunentor aus 3 Metern Entfernung treffen.”


Looks the same every year… Same grass, same audience… just nicer every next gen console…


1. Messi can run through every defense line, way to overpowered
2. If you change your playstyle to the best defense, they can still all run through…
3. Offside, Offside, Offside…
4. Me: Foul, yellow card (for nothing) - Enemy: Foul, player is hurt, keep on playing…
5. Enemy: Shoots a goal in overtime, has bunch of time left… - Me: Trying to shoot a goal overtime, right when I shoot the game is over, goal doesnt count.
6. The playermodels act like NHL players… after fouls they always act like they want to beat each other up
7. If you play coop, you have two colormarkers which shows who you are controlling. ALWAYS the same host still keeps on randomly switching the colors.. So Iam blue in one game and the next game Iam red… So fuc*ing confusing…
8. more to come… soon… for sure

Whats with Fifa16?

It will still suck and people will still pay 60€ for a pimped Fifa14,15… m(


EA wants to make a change, thats why they keep Buschmann… wow? really? m(


They want to change some defense things… why with Fifa16? You should have noticed this more than 15 games earlier that it sucks?! m(

Finally women teams, why now, why not earlier? m(


Fifa sucks… IMHO… Buy it if you like it, I dont… be a sheep and follow your herd.

BTW: Do you know how to find out if a player on Xbox is german or english?
Go on a player on the Xbox360, check the games. If he has Fifa, he is either german or english but if he has PGR/Forza, hes german most of the time. Try it out!

gaming/console/xboxone/fifa.1435047863.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/01 12:50 (external edit)