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To seperate data to daily files I use 3 scripts which will be executed via cronjobs.

Script 1 - Starter

This will execute socat with daily modified parameters. The logfile parameter will have the date of “today”. It starts at 12:02 am everyday.

DATE=`date +%d_%m_%Y`
nohup /usr/bin/perl /dev/ttyUSB0 /media/weatherlog/$DATE$FILETYPE </dev/null >/wde/wde1_reader.out &
echo $! >/wde/

Script 2 - Reader

This script is a cutted version from Instead of writing things into 2 files and other things this script will only write 1 file with a single outputline, started with the date and time.

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use IO::Handle;
use Time::Piece;
my $dev=$ARGV[0]||'/dev/ttyUSB0';
my $socat='/usr/bin/socat';
my $cmd="$socat $dev,b9600 STDOUT |";
my $log=$ARGV[1]||"/tmp/wde1.log";
my $date = localtime->strftime('%m.%d.%Y;%H:%M:%S;');
open (S,$cmd) ||die "Cannot open $dev using $cmd ($!)\n";
open(R,">>","$log") ||die "Cannot open logfile $log!\n";
while (<S>) {
	print R "$date$_";

Script 3 - Killer

This script is killing socat everyday at 11:58 pm. Remember, it will start again at 12:02 am with a new date.

sudo kill -9 `cat /wde/`
sudo rm /wde/


There will be a new logfile with another date everyday.

Examplefile 05_06_2015.log:

linux/raspberry/wde/scripts/reader.1433512355.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/01 12:50 (external edit)