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VMware Troubleshooting

Cant apply or remediate a host profile

A host profile is attached by the cluster and there is no way to apply or remediate.

It seems like you are using the HTML webclient which doesnt have this option (yet).

Either use the flash version (if you have vCenter 6.0 the software client will also work)
apply it via PowerCLI

#remove everything after <vcenter> to use your windows authentication
Connect-VIServer <vcenter> -User <user> -Password <password>
Apply-VMHostProfile -Entity <esxhostname.your.domain>
#if you are not sure what name to use, just list all your esx hosts

Recheck the compliance of the host profile. If some issus still exist, execute “Apply-VMHostProfile …” again.

Cant configure vSphere HA for host

Trying to activate vSphere HA fails with the following messages:

vSphere HA agent cannot be correctly installed or configured

Reconfigure vSphere HA host
Status: Operation timed out.

There could be different reasons…


At first, if you dont want to get VMs migrated right away, activate maintenance before executing something from below.

Check if your service “vSphere High Availability Agent” is running on your host. (its stopped by default if you are in maintenance mode)
If it isnt running, start it and execute “Reconfigure for vSphere HA”.

Still not working? alright then…

Go to your cluster configuration and select “Services → vSphere Availability”
On the right side of “vSphere HA is Turned ON” click edit and turn it off.
Apply and then turn it back on.

Your vSphere should now work again.

If it still doesnt,

vmware/troubleshooting.1524236882.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/04/20 17:08 by lunetikk