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MySQL Basics

CodeWhat it does
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Cell LIKE 'test' select all rows in Table where Cell contains 'test'
SELECT IdX FROM Table WHERE Cell LIKE '$Var' select IdX from Table where Cell contains variable Var
SELECT * FROM Table ORDER BY IdX DESC LIMIT 0,10 select all rows limited by 10, order everything by IdX and from newest top to oldest bottom
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE Cell LIKE '%$Var%' select all rows from table where cell is almost like variable Var
UPDATE `DB`.`Table` SET `Cell1` = '$Var1' WHERE `Table`.`Cell2`='$Var2' update Table Cell2 to Var2 where Cell1 is Var1
INSERT INTO Table (Cell1, Cell2) VALUES ('Text', '$Var1') add new row into Table with cell1 as Text and Cell2 as Var1
webseite/mysql/basic.1401195883.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/01 12:50 (external edit)