You need AWS CLI in order to export an instance, check here how to install it - AWS CLI
Create a json file with the following content (replace <YOUR BUCKET> with one of your buckets):
{ "ContainerFormat": "ova", "DiskImageFormat": "VMDK", "S3Bucket": "<YOUR BUCKET>", "S3Prefix": "vms/" }
Then export via AWS CLI
aws ec2 create-instance-export-task --instance-id <INSTANCE-ID> --target-environment vmware --export-to-s3-task file://C:\<PATH TO YOUR JSON> Example: aws ec2 create-instance-export-task --instance-id i-0c3786ac638b6bc7c --target-environment vmware --export-to-s3-task file://C:\Users\Lunetikk\Desktop\aws\aws.json
You can check if the task is still running via
aws ec2 describe-export-tasks --export-task-ids <EXPORT-TASK-ID>
Or cancel it
aws ec2 cancel-export-task --export-task-id <EXPORT-TASK-ID>
The .ova will then be in your bucket under /vms
Source: - vmexport
Export failed with “invalid parameter”, check here: - AWS Troubleshooting