Install JRE
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre
Get the url for the newest version of Openfire from download Openfire with wget
wget download it and move it to the server via scp.
tar -xvzf openfire_4_0_1.tar.gzand move to /usr/local/openfire
mv openfire /usr/local/
Open the configfile
vi /usr/local/openfire/conf/openfire.xmlremove the comment for network and insert yours
<network> <interface></interface> </network>Start Openfire
/usr/local/openfire/bin/openfire start
If you havent install MySQL yet, check that site MySQL
Otherwise execute the following two commands
mysqladmin -u root -p create openfire cat /usr/local/openfire/resources/database/openfire_mysql.sql | mysql -u root -p openfire;
Open the interface in your browser through the setup, at Database Settings select Standard Database Connection
jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/openfire?rewriteBatchedStatements=trueinsert your info and leave settings default.