Since Cyrus-IMAPD is not installed yet, start yast and install it with the SLES 11 CD.
This configuration is at “/etc/imapd.conf”. Edit the following with vi:
Line 14 insert so Cyrus can check the passwords in plaintext.
sasl_mech_list: plain login
Line 17 insert to use be able to use unencrypted passwords.
allowplaintext: yes
Save and start Cyrus
rccyrus start
Insert to start Cyrus on boot
chkconfig cyrus on
Add path “/etc/sasl” with all subfolders to group “Mail”
chown –R root:mail /etc/sasl*
Change the Cyrus password
passwd cyrus
In the next step you create a mailbox for an user. Before you can do this you have to add a new user without the availability to log into the shell. You also dont need a homedirectory. For more mailboxes you have to add more users.
useradd lunetikk –s /bin/false
“lunetikk” needs a password for authentification at the mailbox.
passwd lunetikk
Login with user “Cyrus” into the Cyrus-shell
cyradm --user cyrus localhostIn this shell you can create a new mailbox for user “lunetikk”
cm user.lunetikk
with lm (listmailbox) you can list all created boxes.
lm user.lunetikk (HasNoChildren) exit
Thats it, Postfix and Cyrus are now configured and can be used with an e-mail client.
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